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Shadow Work (Inner Work) Reading

Hot! Shadow Work (Inner Work) Reading
Please ensure you read this description carefully. The add to cart option is at the bottom of this page to place your booking

Shadow work is about inner work. It's about acknowledging the parts of ourselves that we don't necessarily like, or that we can't accept about ourselves
It can also be about the parts of ourselves that we simply never developed;
sometimes in fear of what others might say or think about us
It's about embracing those pieces of ourselves and learning how to utilise both the darkness and the light (the Ying and the Yang that's within all of us) to our betterment
This type of reading is not for the faint of heart - It can go really deep into the dark recesses of the personality (the bits you'd rather keep hidden, but are not actually living your true full potential until those pieces are embraced)
It is advised only to take on this type of work if you're serious about self growth
This reading will be all about you

This is an in depth reading that is video recorded for you and the video link sent to you via email within 10 business days of payment. The video (between 45 mins and 1hr, often around 1hr) is yours to keep and watch as many times as you like, providing that you keep the link safe. No one else will be able to view your private video, unless you share your link with them allowing them to do so
You can submit as many questions as you like, please do try to keep to one topic per reading to ensure that you get clear messages

At the checkout process, a text box will appear where you can type the following to me, so that I know what it is I'm keeping a look out for on your behalf

I will need you to provide:
A genuine email address to send your video link to
Your first name or preferred nickname
Your Sun (Star/Zodiac) sign
A brief outline of the situation at hand with your questions

Rebel Deck (or similar themed decks)
The Rebel Deck is a special request as part of your Reading. It is not used unless you specify you would like it used for your Reading, by using the drop down menu. For those unfamiliar with The Rebel Deck, it is the Oracle Deck with Attitude. Rebellious, foul-mouthed, raw and straight to the point. They tell it like it is - no interpretation needed. It is described as Zero Filter, Zero F**ks = All Fun. Sense of humour required ;)

Energy Tarot Readings are, in the simplest of terms, an interpretation of the cards that are drawn according to your energy and the energy of those who are around you; those you think about heavily, for example. Think along the lines of a personalised astrology read
It can provide an interesting insight to your life and the events going on around you

I have been reading Tarot for over 20 years, only recently going public with it on YouTube with user name Phoenix Keia
I use a combination of Tarot & Oracle cards. Some decks are traditional Tarot, others are modernised Tarot decks. I will select decks that best suit your needs

My readings are provided in a very ethical way and with the intent to assist individuals back onto the path that would help serve their highest good. Clients must always use their best judgement and their own intuition to gauge if the guidance is right for them
I am bound by the following terms:
Always use good intent - You must only ask me questions that concern you directly. You are not to use my services to spy on others and to use the information in a malicious manner
Uphold the privacy of all clients without exception - no one will know you have used my services unless you specifically tell them, or share your video link with them. Even if I know you on a personal level, your reading will never be discussed with anyone. All identifying information is destroyed. The only information passed on for tax purposes is the date and the price paid. Your confidentiality is my highest priority
Your bank/payment statements will show this transaction as AuroraGemtones or a shortened version of that. This is my metal work business name which I use for this website too. It also ensures your purchase privacy. This site might ask you to fill out an address form purely for the purposes of accepting payment.  Feel free to type N/A in the address feilds. I do not require this information and that info is destroyed by me before I sent the receipts to the Tax office
Live energies only - I do not perform seances. It is totally against everything I personally believe in and will never, ever attempt to do this so do not ask
Illnesses and death are never predicted - for the same reasons mentioned above. It serves no-ones highest good
To read without bias, judgement and ego - I will never judge anyone for anything that comes out in a reading, trust me I've seen it all! No T No Shade here
No projection - This is ego. I do not work with ego

I am also bound by Law to inform that readings are provided on an entertainment basis. You must never make any major life changing decisions or business decisions based on a read from any reader. The final choice is yours, and yours alone

NB: Please be aware that some of the Decks I use contain graphic content and I might sometimes swear. This service is only for those aged 18 and over

Please read the following before proceeding with your payment

Although Tarot is used as a self-counselling tool for spiritual growth and personal development, it is ultimately legally viewed as a form of entertainment
Tarot reading is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as an absolute
A Tarot reading is an interpretation of the energies around you, which can change very quickly according to the individuals concerned. Nothing is set in stone!
A Tarot reading does not replace Professional Medical, Legal, Business Opinion and Advice on any occasion, regardless of how accurate your reading might be
If you are suffering severe difficulties in any of the areas of health, mental health, legalities and business concerns, you must consult with those Professionally Qualified to give suitable treatment or advice

Tarot reading will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. All actions and decisions made are your sole responsibility
I will not be held legally responsible for any actions and decisions you have made
It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that a Tarot Reading can be permitted
Neither can I assume any legal liability for any damages or alleged damages, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions and actions, subsequent to, or based on my Tarot Readings. Your participation in this site is subject to the above terms and understanding, and is solely at your own risk

You must be age 18 and over to participate
I do not offer finances, career, legal or health related readings
No refunds




£70.00 inc. tax

Customer Reviews

2 review(s) posted (write review)
Interesting read on my current energy, why I've been feeling this way and supportive advice 5 product stars
"Thank you so much, Keia, for your loving and amazing readings! Spirit speaks through you in tarot, but your explanations of energy and issues around me makes absolute sense. Your support for what steps to take feels like advice from a trusted friend! You've helped renew my faith in myself xx
" Jodi Rodner - 12 May 2024
really good 5 product stars
"This review has been imported from my website where I offered readings for 2 yrs. I then set up this dedicated website. Original review posted over there on 18th January 2020 "very good, V helpful. I needed to hear it, ty xx"" Karrie - 01 March 2022