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Break & Remove All Hex's, Curse's & Binding Spells

Hot! Break & Remove All Hex's, Curse's & Binding Spells
Please ensure you read this description carefully. The add to cart option is at the bottom of this page to place your booking

This is a special service I offer, where I can assist in breaking & then removing all Hex's, Curse's & Binding Spells falsely (and or) maliciously placed on you
I work with the cycles of the Moon, over a period of three days, to ensure the removal is as effective as possible
I DO NOT create anything new, I simply MOVE the energy/intent placed onto you, and either send it back into the universe or return to sender (depending on your preferance) 
I do not break any Laws of the Universe, and I'm extremely careful that intent is everything

At the checkout process, a text box will appear where you can type the following to me, so I can use my own discernment before I proceed carrying out this energy work on your behalf

I will need you to provide:
A genuine email address to send your photos of the ritual to
Your first name or preferred nickname
Your Sun (Star/Zodiac) sign
An outline of the situation at hand & reasons why you believe there's a Hex or Curse placed on you
Your photograph via email, this will be used for your ritual (so I can ensure I'm removing the intent from you, I focus on your photograph during the ritual)
When you outline your situation, it will help me to decide which one of my rituals will be more effective for your situation

Energy work is carried out under very strict rules & ethics
I will NEVER create new energy, and I will NEVER interfere with anothers free will
I only MOVE pre-existing energy & intents
I will NEVER perform Love Spells, so please do not ask. Any Love Spells offered from me will only ever be in regards to Self Love - I do not perform rituals that promise to bring back your ex, for example
My energy services are always where you are the focus
I NEVER CREATE Hex's or Curse's, EVER so please do not ask me to. You will be refused as I will NOT partake in that 
My services are only for removals, reversals, self protection and self healing

How does this work?:
You place your booking using the checkout below
Send me an email with the information required (outlined above), with your photgraph
Before doing your ritual, I will pull some Tarot in regards to your situation for my own peace of mind that you will be suitable for these energy services
I will then email you, confirming my findings and I will send you the dates that your ritual will be perfomed on.  Remember, I work with the Moon cycles - so depending on when you place your booking and how that corresponds with the current Moon cycle is when you'll be booked in
I will keep in touch with you every step of the way
During your ritual I will take photographs for you & email to you, so you can see your name plate, your photograph and the actual ritual in that photo - so you will know with 100% certainty the ritual has been done just for you
If the service requires it, I will post out to you your spell bag from your ritual (keep in mind, not all energy services require you to receive the herbs at the end of the service, only some do). It is important you provide an accurate delivery address at the checkout for this purpose - don't worry; ALL personal identifying information is destroyed after the services are complete. I take clients confidentialty VERY seriously. No one will know you even used my services at all, unless you specifically tell them

Please read the following before proceeding with your payment
I am bound by Law to inform that Tarot Readings & Energy Work are provided on an entertainment basis. You must never make any major life changing decisions or business decisions based on a read from any reader. The final choice is yours, and yours alone

Although Tarot is used as a self-counselling tool for spiritual growth and personal development, it is ultimately legally viewed as a form of entertainment
Tarot reading is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as an absolute
A Tarot reading is an interpretation of the energies around you, which can change very quickly according to the individuals concerned. Nothing is set in stone!
A Tarot reading does not replace Professional Medical, Legal, Business Opinion and Advice on any occasion, regardless of how accurate your reading might be
If you are suffering severe difficulties in any of the areas of health, mental health, legalities and business concerns, you must consult with those Professionally Qualified to give suitable treatment or advice

Tarot reading will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. All actions and decisions made are your sole responsibility
I will not be held legally responsible for any actions and decisions you have made
It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that a Tarot Reading can be permitted
Neither can I assume any legal liability for any damages or alleged damages, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions and actions, subsequent to, or based on my Tarot Readings. Your participation in this site is subject to the above terms and understanding, and is solely at your own risk

You must be age 18 and over to participate
I do not offer finances, career, legal or health related readings
No refunds




£200.00 inc. tax

Customer Reviews

1 review(s) posted (write review)
Exactly the Right Energy I needed to block and break the Binding spell!! 5 product stars
"Phoenix Keia was exactly the right person to understand and help me rid my ex and his binding spell on me. No one else believed me about him and how he could do such a thing. Thank you, Keia, and Great Spirit for first believing me and seeing right through him! Your honest concern, professional ability (and sense of humor) helped me to start to feel stronger right after my video!! I will treasure my protection pouch and use the essential oils to keep him at bay. Even though we live almost four thousand miles apart, his energy was still able to reach me. I finally feel like I can breathe out with no heaviness on my shoulders!! Looking forward to a wonderful future! I am eternally grateful!!" Jodi Rodner - 26 April 2024